7 types of men you should never marry

When it comes to choosing a life partner, every lady needs to be very careful before jumping into marriage because once you get married to a wrong person you are doomed for life.
It could be adventurous to date some kind of guys but getting married to these men could be worst than you can ever imagine. Some ladies believe they can always change a man but trust me character is like a smoke no matter how you try to conceal it, it will definitely find its way out.
That is why getting married to the right person is key for a successful marriage.
Eventhough there is no perfect being, it will be better to keep away from these types of men.
Don't be blinded by love, here are 7 types of men you should never get married to.
1. The liar
Remember 'if the foundation is faulty what can the righteous do?' Why marry a man that lie about little things.
If you can’t believe every word he says, please don’t marry him.
2. The flirt
If you observe he flirts with everything in a skirt, then he will definitely cheat on you if you marry him.
A man who cheats has no regard for woman and yours won't be an exemption.
3. The fashion-obsessed
Will term them 'fashionista' because they are so kin about their looks because that is their bait to get ladies. They always take their time to get dressed and even competite with you that is a woman.
'Fashion-obsessed' guy dresses well but every finds it hard to be responsibilty. He will constantly make you (the woman) pay the bills while he uses his fine boy skills to shine.
4. The workaholic
It is good to work because no woman want a lazy man and he makes you comfortable financial because he is a great and successful guy but as a workaholic he takes his work over you.
His work first, then you second and over take you will be dissatisfied in so many other ways, especially companionship.
5. The mama’s boy
He knows how to take care of a woman and communicate properly, he is so sweet and understanding. He is good at romantic surprises like breakfast in bed.
But a mama's boy is tied to his mother’s apron strings and keeps no secret from his mom, that is why he constantly tells her all your business.
So if you marry him, get ready to marry his mother too.
6. The addict
Too much of everything is bad, and if you have an addict as a dating partner it is better to part ways than getting married.
If your partner is addicted to drugs or alcohol and even sex, my sister you need to have a re-think. Just think abouy this:
a) what happens will you have a little quarrel and all he thinks of is an alcohol or
b) he is a sex addict and you travel???
7. The abusive man
If he’s physically or emotionally abusive, he can do anything because he is as good as an hypnotised man.
No matter how great the offence could be, a man should never raise his hands on a woman but an abusive man will not think twice before he assault his woman blue-black.
By: Abiola Atoyebi