Reps Want Nigeria To Adopt Parliamentary System

60 federal house of representatives lawmakers have proposed the transition from the presidential system of government the country operates today to the parliamentary system of government.
The federal lawmakers who briefed newsmen in Abuja on this new proposal said the bill was listed for first reading today at plenary awaiting second reading.
They further supported their argument by pointing out the flexibility in the operation of the parliamentary system of government which was adopted by the founding fathers of Nigeria which funder mentally promoted the peace, unity and prosperity of the country as observed in the six years it wss practised between 1960 to 1966.
The group of lawmakers also proposed a transition period of 2031 as ideal to enable Nigerians make inputs to the bill.
Recall that the country at Independence in 1960 was handed the parliamentary system of government by the British but opted for the American styled Presidential system during the return to democracy in 1979 after a long year of military rule.END.