Apple Makes OSX More Like iOS

Macs will now join iPads and iPhones in having a flat, colorful and abstract look. The calendar, notifications, messages and more look exactly like their iOS counterparts.
But even if the overall experience may remain familiar, OS X Yosemite, announced Monday for a free fall release, looks to bring Macs much closer to their smaller cousins. Apple CEO Tim Cook unveiled Yosemite and other features for iPad and iPhones at the company’s Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco.
On top of that, the update brings the left rail navigation, familiar to anyone who has used email on iPads, to all kinds of applications on OS X. Most often you’ll see a row of options, or a news feed, or other information on the left, with the main action happening to the right. Instead of scanning information from top to bottom, the information flows left to right.
And then there’s the even deeper integration with the mobile devices. Start typing an email on your iPhone, and a draft will instantly appear on your Mac. AirDrop, which previously shared information between iOS devices, now works with Mac. You can even take or make phone calls for iPhones with a Mac if you stumble into a phone number with your Mac and just want to click it once.
Though Macs will soon look like iOS and play well with iOS, Tulsa developer Matt Galloway said Macs won’t try to act like a mobile device.
“Apple understands the operating systems for each platform are fundamentally different and serve different purposes,” he said. “They design for each device.”