Kanye West Placed on 24 months Probation

Kanye West has cut a deal on the battery case against videographer Daniel Ramos.
On Monday the Yeezus rapper agreed to 24 sessions of anger management therapy, 250 hours of community service and 24 months of probation to make the case disappear from his record, according to TMZ.
The 36-year-old pleaded no contest to misdemeanor battery from the incident that took place in July and will not be prosecuted. West was not spotted at the LA courthouse.
The fiancé of Kim Kardashian made the plea in exchange for having the attempted grand theft charge being dropped.
'Kanye was placed on 24 months informal probation - meaning he just has to keep his nose clean,' reported TMZ.
'At the end of the 24 months, assuming he hasn't violated probation, the conviction will almost certainly be erased from his record.'
Commissioner Alan Rubin oversaw the proceedings.
The Georgia native also agreed to complete 250 hours of community service.
He was also asked to not engage with the photographer again. As far as the man's camera, he will have to pay for that and any medical bills the victim faced after an ambulance was called to the scene.
Ramos was in court and asked that West be sent to jail. He argued that he had suffered 'trauma' at the hand of North's father. Emotional injuries were also claimed. The photographer will be filing a civil suit against Kanye with lawyer Gloria Allred.
The man also claimed that Kanye used the attack to promote his album, Yeezus.
After the court session, Allred talked to reporters.
'If Mr West does not comply with terms and conditions of probation - in the court's words - he is not going to make special dispensation to a celebrity,' she stated.
'Danny and I believe Kanye West should have been sent to jail. He showed no remorse for attacking Mr ramos, in fact he's bragged about it.
'Danny and I feel Mr west should have been required to show up in court today... Kanye seems to think this is a big joke. West is not above the law.
'We are glad that mre west did enter a plea, but we do think the sentence handed down today was not sufficient.'
Allred confirmed her client will enter a civil suit... it's time for him to stop making excuses, he needs to take responsibility. His deposition is not going to be fun and games for him.'
West does not perform in concert again until May 2 in Perth, Australia.